Eastern Sierra local Sophie Bidet lives with Raynaud's disease, a condition which causes some areas of the body — such as the fingers and toes — to feel numb and cold in response to cold temperatures.
Sophie is a die-hard snowboarder, so she's not going to let cold toes stop her from pursuing her passion for big mountains. Instead, she's adapting and finding ways to enjoy her love of snowboarding. She recently returned from a snowboard trip to Alaska and we caught up with her about her experience.
R: "First off, why are your toes white and purple?"
S: The joys of being afflicted with Raynaud's syndrome include displaying an interesting collage of colors (or lack thereof) of my extremities. Yet, despite the chilblains, the frostbite and the constant need to consider the status of my toes, I am unable to step away from snowboarding and skiing, which means, I am the ideal tester for all things meant to keep our extremities warm.
Sophie stays warm with the Ridge Convict Canyon Hoodie and Banked Midweight Ski Socks - ideal for those colder temps.
R: What did you pack for your heli-trip to Valdez, Alaska?
S: I packed my usual assortment of treats, heated liners (which compromise the effectiveness of my boot), heated socks, foot warmers and socks. However, I added a pair of socks an employee of Mammoth-based Wave Rave urged me to try - Ridge Merino. What could they do that other socks could not? I entertained her suggestion, purchased a pair and threw them in my bag.
R: So... how did you like them? Did they make a difference?
S: I have worn them every single day in various conditions and experienced what I rarely do - warmth. From the tops of mountains to the bottom and during each descent - with the ability to feel my toes - I was able to descend amazing lines with legendary guide @jedworkman at Valdez Heli-Ski Guides. I swear by these socks and, trust me, you should too.

Sophie reaping the rewards of having warm and comfy toes in Alaska.
Disclaimer: While Ridge Merino wool socks certainly helped Sophie feel warmer, this may not be the case for everyone with Raynaud's disease. Raynaud's is a rare disorder of the blood vessels, usually in the fingers and toes. If you or someone you know may be affected, it's important to seek advice from a medical professional. Raynaud's is typically diagnosed by primary care doctors and internists. If you have the disorder, you also may see a rheumatologist - a doctor who specializes in treating disorders of the joints, bones, and muscles. Read more about Raynaud's signs, symptoms and treatment options.