a couple wearing Ridge Merino winter layers smiles at each other while sun pours through the snowy trees in the background

Valentine's Gifts He'll Actually Love

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and if you're tired of the cliché gifts that end up collecting dust, it's time to think outside the heart-shaped box. Surprise your mountain man with some practical...
Stay Warm Like a Pro: Danila Shipilov's Winter Kit

Stay Warm Like a Pro: Danila Shipilov's Winter Kit

Pro snowboarder Danila Shipilov (@buckwheatboarder). Photo: Christian Pondella Professional winter athletes often find themselves navigating the most unforgiving climates where their very survival and performance depend on the quality of their clothing.   We talked...
Silhouettes of four backpackers hiking up a hill at sunrise

Triple Crown: Hiking the Big Three U.S. Trails

Considering tackling one or all of the Triple Crown U.S. hiking trails? Whether it's the Continental Divide Trail (CDT), the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) or the Appalachian Trail (AT), each presents unique challenges and requires its own...
Road Trip! Visit The U.S. National Parks

Road Trip! Visit The U.S. National Parks

The U.S. national parks are each special in their own right. (Just ask the 93-year old grandmother and her grandson who just completed visits to all 63 U.S. national parks!)    While there may never be enough time...
Dad Bond: Plan a Father's Day to Remember in the Eastern Sierra

Dad Bond: Plan a Father's Day to Remember in the Eastern Sierra

Father’s Day is a great time to surprise dad with some unique outdoor experiences, some of which may be beyond his normal comfort zone. The Eastern Sierra offers several out-of-the-box opportunities for adventure. Here are just a...
Pack Like A Pro: Pacific Crest Trail

Pack Like A Pro: Pacific Crest Trail

Introducing Ridge Merino's 2023 PCT Ambassador, Laila Cohen.   Laila is currently hiking the 2,650 miles from San Diego along the Mexican border all the way up to British Columbia, Canada.  Mile 0 with a smile! The...


It's finally spring in Mammoth, and the town's record-breaking snowfall is beginning to thaw after a brutal winter which tested even the heartiest local's resolve.  Spring-inspired murals brighten spirits around the still-snow covered town. Severe storms brought more than 700 inches...
Mammoth Breaks Record for Snowiest Season Ever

Mammoth Breaks Record for Snowiest Season Ever

The Eastern Sierra has been hammered this season with storm after storm. To date, the town of Mammoth Lakes has received more than 695 inches of snow (more than 57 ft / 17 m) -...
Life On The Ridge: The Avalanche Forecaster

Life On The Ridge: The Avalanche Forecaster

ESAC Center Director and Lead Forecaster Steve Mace tests the snow for weak layers.  Did you know? Avalanche risk is at its greatest 24 hours following a snowfall of 12 inches or more. Mace hits...